April 2023 CAPE Outlook

Indiana expanded its already robust school choice offerings, joining six other states that have recently approved universal school choice. South Carolina also passed important choice legislation. Also in this issue: Title IX, ESSER/GEER late liquidation, Title IV funds, update on religious charters, and more!

March 2023 CAPE Outlook

Florida & Arkansas have joined the list of states that have approved universal school choice, a new update on the NY substantial equivalency situation, Indiana private schools leader elected to chair State CAPE Network, and more!

February 2023 CAPE Outlook

News out of Oklahoma on religious charters, USDA school meal nutrition guidelines, school choice legislation in Congress, independent school association head named, and more!

January 2023 CAPE Outlook

Universal ESAs Approved in Iowa and Utah, New Education R&D Funds, School Choice and Rural America, Chat GBT, and More!

December 2022 CAPE Outlook

Religious Charters?

Outlook 479

Tennessee Court Upholds School Choice Program, and other topics

Outlook 478

The Nation's Report Card: Catholic Schools a Bright Spot Amidst Dismal News

Outlook 477

Stunning Summer Decisions from Two Federal Courts on Private Schools' Tax Exempt Status

Outlook 476

In the Carson v. Makin case out of Maine, the Supreme Court rules for school choice and religious freedom.

Outlook 475

CAPE Again Submits Comments on New York "Substantial Equivalency" Regs and other topics

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