Private schools benefit students by fostering academic excellence and high achievement, educating the whole child within a values-based setting, and preparing youngsters for success in life. If you want a caring, challenging, nurturing, safe and secure environment for your child–a place where he/she can learn and succeed–consider a private school.

Read CAPE’s Private School Benefits Brochure

Some of the benefits of private education can be seen in the following areas:

Academic Performance

Private schools are known for the high standards they set. They engage students and spark the desire to learn.

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School Safety

As a whole, private schools provide parents education options that align more with their moral values.

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Focus on Values

As a whole, private schools provide parents education options that align more with their moral values.

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Increased Satisfaction

Both parents and teachers are more satisfied with both the quality of education and the learning environment provided at private schools compared to public ones.

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Good for America

As America’s first schools, private schools established our country’s foundation for education. Today, private schools help fulfill the American ideal of educational pluralism.

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