Outlook 442

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National School Choice Week Celebrated Across the Country

January 20-26 was National School Choice Week and by all accounts it was a great success. A record 40,549 events…

Outlook 441

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Public School Officials to Inspect All New York Private Schools

The New York State Education Department has issued guidelines under which public school officials would inspect private schools to determine…


All Outlook Newsletters published in 2018.

Outlook 440

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CAPE Supports Tax Credit Scholarships at IRS

On November 5, the IRS held a hearing on proposed regulations that have the potential to harm tax credit scholarship…

Family Income and Private Schools

The U.S. Census Bureau has data on the social and economic characteristics of students enrolled in the nation’s schools during the month of October 2018.

Outlook 439

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National Distinguished Principals Honored

The National Association of Elementary School Principals recognized four private school principals as 2018 National Distinguished Principals in Washington, DC…

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