CAPE Announces New Director - Council for American Private Education

The board of directors of the Council for American Private Education (CAPE), a coalition of 22 national organizations serving private elementary and secondary schools, announced today the appointment of Michael Schuttloffel as executive director effective July 1, 2018.

In accepting the position, Schuttloffel, currently the executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference, called CAPE, “an organization with a respected past and a promising future for serving the religious and independent school community in the United States.”  He said he was looking forward to helping CAPE expand its sphere of influence in preserving and promoting educational pluralism.

One immediate focus will be affirming the vital role of private schools in American education and their significant contributions to educating the public and advancing the common good.  “CAPE will continue to promote the rights of parents to educate their children in the school of their choice and to protect the right of private schools to fulfill their unique missions,” he said.

Find out more about the appointment in CAPE’s news release.