Outlook 457

Landmark Supreme Court Decision Strikes a Blow Against Blaine Amendments and other topics

Outlook 456

Department of Education to Elevate CARES Act Equitable Services Guidance into Legally Binding Rule and other topics

Important Links for Guidance on COVID-19

Links to the resource and guidance pages at the US Department of Education, National Association for Independent Schools and Association of Christian Schools International.

Outlook 455

US Department of Education Releases CARES Act Guidance and other topics

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) FAQs Regarding Faith-Based Organizations and PPP and EIDL

Frequently asked questions regarding participation of faith-based organizations in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL)

Outlook 454

Congress Takes Action on Coronavirus and other topics

CAPE Summary of Congressional Actions Taken in March 2020

Details on the three different phases of federal government response to COVID-19 and how it affects private schools

Senate Small Business Committee Guide to the CARES Act

The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security(CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now. This guide provides information about the major programs and initiatives that will soon be available from the Small Business Administration (SBA) to address these needs...

Outlook 453

COVID-19: CDC Issues Guidance for Schools and other topics

Outlook 452

Supreme Court Considers Historic Blaine Amendment Case; Amicus Signed by CAPE is Mentioned and other topics